Quick Weight Loss Diet Plan
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Anybody Can Lose 5 Pounds Fast With This Weight Loss Trick
Before you eat any meal…
Prepare a big jug of Ice cold water (the colder the better), A couple of raw carrots, Broccoli or celery (the more the better) and just a ¼ cup of almonds, cashews, or peanuts (it’s better to get almonds – and I’ll explain why later)
Now before you eat your breakfast, lunch, or dinner… Just eat your raw carrots, broccoli, or celery and nuts (cashews, almonds, or peanuts) and wash it all down with ice cold water and after you wash it all down with water – Wait a couple of minutes and drink another 6-8 ounces (or more) of Ice cold water.
Now you can eat your regular meal without worrying about gaining any weight.
The reason why you’ll lose 5 lbs quickly is because…
You’ve just made your very own fat-burning potion.
Ice cold water: the colder the water = the more calories your body has to burn to heat it back up to room temperature. How much Ice cold water? – The more the better. Drinking too much water won’t cause you to become bloated or gain excess water weight. As a matter of fact…
Drinking too much ice cold water is what you have to do to flush excess water weight out of your body and you may be carrying up to 10 extra pounds of excess water.
And drinking lots of ice-cold water get rids of all the excess salt/sodium in your body that retains water weight.
Raw Veggies: Your body has to burn a lot of fat calories to break these foods down and raw veggies also fight the poisons and toxins in your body that prevent your body from releasing stored fat. So this means if you eat vegetables…
Your body can burn fat easily. All you need to do is eat at least 2 whole raw carrots, 1 raw head of broccoli (not the stalk) and maybe 3 long stalks of celery before each meal.
Nuts are high in protein and along with the ice cold water and the fiber in the Veggies… The nuts stop you from being so hungry and the less hungry you are… the less you eat and the less you eat, the faster you lose weight.
Why eat almonds? Other nuts are good but almonds are good at increasing testosterone because it’s high in Zinc, Manganese and Copper (all are used in testosterone production).
So if you Eat raw veggies, nuts (especially almonds), and lots of ice cold water before any meal… You will lose 5 pounds real quick.
Adrian Bryant is the author of the special report, How to Lose 20 lbs. quickly before your... wedding, reunion, or trip to the beach without breaking a sweat’.
For your FREE copy, visit http://www.nowloss.com/lose-weight-free.htm while it’s still free.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Quick Weight Loss: Fact Or Fiction
Why are people always looking for a quick fix? Some want to get rich quick, but generally the only people making those promises to us are only trying to get their hands in our pockets. Some want to grow tall quick. Some want their hair, or their nails to grow quick. Some even want to sleep quickly, and still be able to function normally. Seemingly, always in a hurry, we want quick results in every aspect of life that matters to us, including weight loss.
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a safe, quick weight loss program. While we always see the promises of fad diets, and obscure exercise products, as offering a quick weight loss solution, the truth is, and there's no way around it: you have to do the work. The math is quite simple; burn more calories than you eat. We may not like it, but diet, and exercise, are still the answer.
What's Wrong With Diets That Promise Quick Weight Loss?
* Most fad diets emphasize one food type, almost to the exclusion of everything else. All your life your parents, and doctors have pointed out the benefits of following a balanced diet, and they were right. Only a balanced diet will provide you with all the valuable nutrients you need. Anything less could put you at risk for serious nutritional deficiencies.
* Most fad diets become very boring, making them almost impossible to stay on for any length of time. A fad diet might offer you some quick weight loss at the start, this will level off in a short time, and the lost pounds will return when you come off the diet.
* Most fad diets don't acknowledge, and encourage the role of physical activity in weight loss. Those that do, do so in very fine print. A safe, sensible, and effective weight loss program balances both diet and exercise. Diet alone will not allow you to maintain any significant weight loss over time.
* Many fad diets have nothing substantial to back up their claims. There examples of successful people using their diet are the exception, rather than the rule. According to the American Heart Association, many of the claims made by these fad diets, are unsubstantiated myths.
What Do We Really Have To Do To Lose Weight?
* Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits, and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function properly. Fruits and vegetables also help to give you that full feeling.
* Eat whole grains, and fat-free, or low-fat dairy products. Whole grains are the good carbohydrates. They are high in fiber, which helps to promote fat loss. Fat-free, and low-fat dairy products provide the protein, and calcium, you need without overloading you with fat.
* Take part in regular physical activity. Regular exercise will not only help you burn fat, but will also strengthen your muscles, improve your digestion and elimination, and greatly reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions.
* Get enough rest. Try for at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Studies have shown that people who get too little sleep are more likely to indulge in unhealthy behaviors such as overeating, and avoiding exercise.
* Try to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. Drinking plenty of water helps you to feel full, and promotes elimination of waste materials from your body.
There is an old saying that states: if it's important enough, you should be willing to work hard for it. Quick weight loss, that is permanent weight loss, is unrealistic, and in many cases unhealthy.
Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.
To read more on this topic, please visit Weight Loss Solutions
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Quick Weight Loss
To have a weight loss that is both noticeable and lasting you need to make changes to both your diet and your lifestyle. A quick weight loss should be thought of in terms of one pound per week, not per day.
It is not hard! Many people desiring that quick weight loss love junk foods! You love KFC? Fine, you do not need to eliminate it to lose weight!
There is a proven, simple method for quick weight loss - eat in moderation. Do not over indulge. For example, when you go to KFC for that 3-piece pack with chips and a carbonated soft drink, order the 2-piece pack with chips and iced water and then eat the meal very slowly and drink the cold water. You will be surprised that two pieces is in fact just as satisfying as three and you have reduced your calorie intake by approximately 50%! When you get home have some more iced water (it is an appetite suppressant). Still hungry? Have 3 dry crackers .... eat 1 and then ask yourself "can I delay eating the other 2 for half an hour?". This is changing your eating habits without eliminating any of the things in your diet that your body craves. By eating in moderation (that is, cutting back on those undesirable weight-producing foods) you will quickly see a weight loss and this alone will provide you with the incentive to reduce your intake of those foods!
Go to a private place (bedroom) and remove your clothes and grip in your hands that spare tire you are carrying. Hold it. It is called fat, as you know, and the only way you will get rid of that is to stop / reduce the quantity you are presently eating in order for your body to turn inwards and start 'eating' some of that stored fat you are holding. It is not hard to do but it does require you to made a concerted effort to reduce that calorie intake. That's the main thing you need to do. No, I am not talking about "counting calories", but simply calorie intake reduction.
If you can add exercise to your daily routine you will surely move towards that quick weight loss solution much faster. No, you do not need to join the gym or an exercise class, nor do you need to spend money on weight loss cd's or any other program. Simply turn some music on and dance, at whatever pace suits you; jog on the spot for a few minutes, walk around the room a few times getting faster with each revolution, then slow right down, just walking forward and backwards ... simple light exercise sustained over a period of 20 minutes and repeated every day and your quick weight loss goal will be achieved before you realize it. Drink lots of iced water as you exercise, which will make the exercising more pleasant as well as serving as an appetite suppressant.
A quick weight loss of one pound per week does not sound worth making the effort for, but project yourself to 6 months ahead and you will have lost 24 pounds - now does that sound like something worth aiming for?
Thousands have done it before you and you can do it too!
One last point: during the process of losing weight, once a personal goal has been reached (e.g. a loss of 5 pounds) give yourself a treat! Maybe a new pair of shoes or a night at the movies. You've earned it!
Dr Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to: http://www.sayyestolosingweight.com/lose-weight-now.html http://www.aperfectharmony.com or http://www.a-1hypnosis.com/
Friday, November 10, 2006
Sensible Weight Loss Diet Program
Being over weight is a troubling fact for the overwhelming majority of Americans' today. The only way out of all these troubles is to lose those extra pounds around your waist by sticking to an effective weight loss diet program. Then we must embrace a disciplined way of eating.
At any book store you will have no problem finding an assortment of books by expert dieticians on various diet programs on the shelves. The variety it provides is so huge that one actually cannot blame a common man for getting lost in the maze of books and the ideas for weight loss. But is it effective? The answer to this is that instead of following any certain weight loss diet program, such as Mayo Clinic diet or Jenny Craig diet plan, you would be better off to chart a diet schedule for yourself. Every person is different and so will your eating habits. The first step you lasting weight loss solutions is to understand your body.
As a rule of thumb, you need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water, at least 8-10 glasses a day. Remember, if you desire lasting results you need to plan your diet in a way that will suit for good. You will also need a fitness regime to burn away those extra calories from the body. Exercise will also raise your good cholesterol count. Whatever routine you choose should be at least 30 minutes in length and be done daily
Any weight loss program can be enhanced and made to work better and faster. One great way to this is by using natural supplements. There is a new supplement that is proving itself to be a great discovery. It is Hoodia Gordonii. Hoodia works by suppressing the appetite. I have found it to be essential for anyone who is serious about losing weight and keeping it off...CONTINUE
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The Ugly Face Of Quick Weight Loss
Since losing weight has become tiresome and frustrating to most people, they tend to resort to these products that can help them lose weight, safe, fast, and easy. But are these quick weight loss products effective to permanent and healthy weight loss?
Believing that weight loss products today are safe to use because they are often based in natural and organic ingredients, most obese or morbidly obese people take these to lose weight quickly. Although using these products, as a means of losing weight quickly might be convenient, hassle-free, and easy, its effectivity and safety are not always determined or guaranteed.
According to experts, people who are thinking of having quick weight loss and fad diets should think twice before they try taking in any product or engaging into diets. This is because having quick weight loss can be harmful and can severely damage a person’s body. Aside from creating a “yo-yo syndrome” or inconstant weight losing patterns, engaging in quick weight loss may bring about greater health problems in the future.
Although quick weight loss diets can help you achieve you short-term goals, it cannot permanently help you achieve long-term goals of losing weight. Unlike quick weight loss alternatives, choosing gradual weight loss—by consulting a registered dietician—can provide you professional help and can provide you proven eating choices and patterns that can help you develop the discipline you need in order to lose weight in the long run. You can also learn specific diet recommendations that are suited for your needs if you opt not to engage in quick weight loss alternatives.
Although most people day that quick weight loss by using alternatives can speed up a person’s weight loss, more and more nutritionists and physicians discourage quick weight loss—by any means—because it is not healthy for the body for it may cause extreme physical discomfort like abdominal pains, flatulence and may even lead to more serious illness.
Based on numerous health researches, quick weight loss—achieved through improper diet—overemphasizes a particular food type. By excluding a specific food group or a variety of foods, quick weight loss diets violate the primary rule of good nutrition—that is having balanced diet. Sticking to any quick weight loss diet that veers away from having a balanced diet can cause you nutritional deficiencies not to mention several physical discomforts and minor illnesses. Aside from violating the basic principle of good nutrition, quick weight loss diets also breaks the second significant rule, that is enjoyable eating.
Experts advise that quick weight loss—either by diets or taking in products—greatly affects a person’s total well-being. Aside from altering a person’s basic eating patterns by drastic eating schedules, quick weight loss can even result to more serious health risks if a wrong product is taken. Instead of achieving quick weight loss through improper diet or unsafe weight loss products, authorities in the health and nutrition world advice people who would want to lose weight to stick to the best way of losing unwanted fats—that is to eat balanced diet.
Eating a balanced diet—which include foods that rich is nutrients like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and fat-free or low-fat dairy products—can help the reduction of weight greatly. Coupled with regular physical activities or exercises that improves cardiovascular health, there’s no way that you cannot lose weight in time.
Dr Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to: http://www.sayyestolosingweight.com/ http://www.aperfectharmony.com/ or http://www.a-1hypnosis.com/.
The Ugly Face Of Quick Weight Loss